
The resources below are from a combination of professional development workshops with teachers and maths leads and conference sessions. The resources cover a range of topics, including: mathematics content topics (e.g. Algebra and Fractions); teaching and learning strategies (e.g. using worked examples and manipulaitves); and research / theory about mathematics teaching and learning (e.g. how the brain works and how to reduce cognitive overload). The resources are being shared here for others to use for educational purposes in classrooms and with teachers.

  • Supporting memorisation in mathematics

    This presentation explores some theory about memory and how we learn, and offers practical strategies for the classroom. This presentation is from a series of professional development workshops commissioned by the Derby Research School.

  • Using worked examples to support children's learning

    This presentation explores some theory about worked examples, and offers practical strategies and a range of worked example resources for the classroom. This presentation is from a series of professional development workshops commissioned by the Derby Research School.

  • Towards a framework for developing subject knowledge for teaching: The case of Primary Mathematics

    This presentation is from the British Society for Research into the Learning of Mathematics Spring Day Conference 2022. The presentation explores a specific theoretical framework for teacher knowledge and how this framework underpinned the design of a professional development workgroup for a group of Early Career Teachers.

  • Using representations to support deeper understanding in Secondary Maths classrooms

    This presentation is from a workshop with Secondary school teachers and looks at some theory plus practical strategies for using representations and manipulaitves to support Secondary students’ learning. The workshop was commissioned by the Leicester School Development Support Agency.

  • If it's tricky, draw a piccy!

    This is a presentation from a workshop session at the Mastery Maths Conference in 2020. The workshop explored some theory and practical strategies for using carefully chosen representations and contexts to develop deeper understanding of concepts.

  • Reducing cognitive load with Algebra tiles

    This is a presentation from a workshop session at the ATM Annual Conference in 2023. The workshop explored how Algebra tiles can help students access abstract mathematical ideas by making these ideas more concrete.

  • Why all this fuss about specialised subject knowledge?

    This presentation is from a workshop at the East Midlands East Maths Hub Primary Mathematics Conference. The workshop explored how and why specialised content knowledge is so important in mathematics teaching. The resources from this workshop were based on a Maths Hub specialist knowledge workgroup that I ran with a group of ECT’s.

  • Research-Led-Teaching - Variation theory

    This presentation explores Variation Learning Theory. This presentation is part of a series of workshops with Primary and Secondary teachers that explored selected research-led-teaching practices.

  • Research-Led-Teaching - Using contexts and representations

    This presentation explores Realistic Mathematics Education theory and the ‘progressive formalisation of models’ principle. This presentation is part of a series of workshops with Primary and Secondary teachers that explored selected research-led-teaching practices.

  • Bar Modelling

    This presentation explores how bar models can be used to represent and solve problems in different parts of the curriculum, including fractions, arithmetic, ratio, and percentages. The presentation is from a PD workshop with teachers from a Primary school.

  • Importance of structure in Maths - Specialised PD for Teaching Assistants

    This presentation explores how and why structure - lesson structure, bookwork structure, and boardwork structure - is important in Maths lessons. This presentation is from a PD workshop with a group of Primary school Teaching Assistants.

  • Fractions

    This presentation explores how and why bar models can be helpful for making sense of problems involving fractions. The presentation was used in a PD network with Secondary teachers.

  • Getting to grips with Algebra

    This presentation explores key early Algebra concepts. The presentation was from a PD workshop with a group of Primary teachers and looked at key Algebra concepts for Year 6 students.

  • Mathematics curriculum design for empowered critical citizenship

    This presentation is from the British Society for Research in the Learning of Mathematics Spring day conference 2024. The presentation explores specific deign princples that underpin the Mathematical Literacy curriculum in South Africa.